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Case 004 Selma Mansion - Encounters Report
On June 25, 2021, Phantom Detectives LLC investigated the historic Selma Mansion in Norristown, PA. Selma Mansion is one of the oldest structures in Norristown, Pennsylvania. The mansion sits on the western part of the town and was built by General Andrew Porter in 1794. General Porter was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and helped found the predecessor to the US Marine Corps. In addition, he raised his sons there who had distinguished careers in law/politics. Richard Porter was judge of the 3rd judicial district of Pennsylvania, his second son served as Governor of Pennsylvania, and his third son was the Governor of Michigan Territory. Horace Porter served in the Civil War. Horace was General Porter’s grandson.
What are Astral Critters? Is a ghost good or evil?
Many times, as paranormal investigators our team gets asked questions if something can follow us home. After several days of researching this PD LLC says yes. From time to time there are situations that a spirit can follow a person home from a haunted location. But the good news is that many times it is not bad as it seems. As paranormal investigators Phantom Detectives LLC believes the astral world stays with us.
Phantom Detectives LLC Methodoloy
Phantom Detectives gives all prospective clients a questionnaire over the phone before we visit our client’s location. Our questionnaire that we have developed normally takes 15-20 to
administer. It serves as a dual-purpose questionnaire. Once we have our clients tell us the claims of activity, it allows us to gather information about the paranormal activity/history of the location. Based upon the information that the client gives us over the phone, we can determine if this location is worth investigating. Most importantly we need to ensure that a member of PD is entering each of our client’s environments along with respect.
Types of Hauntings
There are four types of hauntings that Phantom Detectives LLC investigate while on paranormal investigations. These are residual, intelligent, poltergeist, and inhuman. We deal each of these in different ways through our training. Here are the definitions of each and what kind of activity is triggered from them.